The plot can be superimposed on a suitable aeronatical chart that you have prepared, or PlanePlotter can download satellite imagery and plot the aircraft symbols on that. These include embedded position reports, AMDAR reports and ADS reports contained in ACARS messages, ADS-B position reports received by the Kinetic SBS1(tm) or AirNav System RadarBox(tm) Mode-S receivers, and position reports on HF using Charles Brain's PC-HFDL software. Chart display - PlanePlotter plots aircraft positions, altitudes and times decoded from the message traffic that it receives.Data saving - PlanePlotter archives all the digital data that it receives and decodes to a log file.Message display - PlanePlotter shows a table display of messages received and decoded from live aircraft transmissions.Listed below are some of the main features of PlanePlotter: Another very cool feature was listening in to air traffic control radio and following what flights were up to. One of our favourites was the integration with Google Earth.

This program is absolutely packed with some really cool features.

PlanePlotter by COAA is an aircraft tracking program which gives you a radar-like display of aircraft around your position which are transmitting ACARS, ADS-B and HFDL.